Farm Energy NI Become a member for FREE Join for FREE Farm Energy NI FREE Project Review Project Review ROC’s & PPA’s Farm Energy specialists Read more Upcoming Events Read more

Achieving More Together

Farm Energy NI is a member led organisation comprising businesses in the agricultural sector who have an interest in Renewable Energy. Joining FENI will keep you informed of the sector and any new developments, plus raise awareness of its challenges and how they may be overcome.

FREE Membership

Farm Energy NI is a free to join membership group comprising businesses in the Northern Ireland rural sector who have an interest in Energy, both from a generation and efficient use point of view.

Membership is open to all businesses operating in the rural energy sector in Northern Ireland, so why not join us today?

ROC & Power Agreements

FENI provides industry leading ROC Agreements & admin free Energy Trading services with a host of off-takers. Contact us now for the best rates

Project Review

For most generators, it has now been well over 2 years, since their generator was commissioned. A project review is a bespoke FENI service that is personalised to your renewable project.

It gives you, the opportunity to sit down with a member of our staff and review how your generator is performing.

Our Partners

What our Clients say

We recently installed a 75m EWT 250kW wind turbine. FENI were the lead consultants on this project from the initiation phase. FENI have met all our expectations by providing a reliable, service, best returns for our ROCs and the expertise to back all this up.

Trevor Smyth, Tobermore Concrete Products

Through the project review I was able to reduce my insurance costs and have my land rates re-assessed. It is the little things that makes all the difference.

Gary Campbell, Co Tyrone

Farm Energy NI has secured me the best returns trading my ROCs and electricity. The service I receive is second to none. FENI continues to provide the best value for ROCs and undertakes all Ofgem accreditations for its members. I would most definitely recommend their services based on my own experience to date.

David Burgess, Co Down

Since engaging Realise Energy Services we have been delighted to see the income from our turbines increase significantly as a result of their professional approach to service and maintenance and customer care.

Yvonne Wilson, County Antrim

The membership benefits are second to none. I particularly enjoy the network events and catching up with everyone.

Roy McFerran, Co Down

© 2025 Company Number: NI621771
Web Design by: Purple Imp
Free Project review